Individual, Couple or Family Counseling

The counseling process is confidential, supportive and non-judgmental.

I have been a Social Worker, working in the helping profession, since 1993. My private practice is based primarily on Employee Assistance Program (EAP) contracts. I also provide psychotherapy with self paying clients or through Health Insurance programs. I am credentialed as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Employee Assistance Professional and Substance Abuse Professional for DOT violations, as well as, ICISF certified in Critical Incident Stress Debriefing. I utilize my training in providing services to individuals, couples, families, military personnel and employers through EAP contracts.
I use, almost exclusively, a Bowen, Family Systems Theory focus. I use the Theory to teach folks how to improve their insight into their human condition by learning to "differentiate" between thinking and feelings, so we can choose which one we want to guide our functioning. "Differentiation of self" is a direction in life rather than a state of being. It is a lifelong process of striving to keep one's being in balance through reciprocal internal and external processes of self-regulation and self-definition. Learning Systems Theory helps us be more mindful in our relationship with "self" and others". Read more

Phone- 904.614.2802 office / 904.614.2802 cell

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Benefits for Small Businesses


EAP services may result in various benefits for employers, including lower medical costs, reduced turnover and absenteeism, and higher employee productivity and morale. EAPs also provide other services to employers at the work site; such as supervisory consultations, support to troubled work teams, training and education programs, and crisis response.

EAPs provide the added benefit to employees of delivering confidential counseling services off-site, away from the eyes and ears of fellow workers, managers, or the Human Resources department. (Please call 904.614.2802 for fee schedule)

When an employee is facing a significant personal problem, he or she can call for assistance. Some of the more common issues are:
• Mental and behavioral health issues
• Alcohol and substance abuse and other addictions
• Loss and grief
• Marital Discord or Family conflict
• Separation or Divorce
• Stress management

Read more .


Clinical Supervision: Florida Department of Health "Qualified Supervisor" for Master's Level Clinician working towards licensure

Individual and group supervision provided with a Bowen Family Systems approach. Registered Interns will be prepared to take their licensure exam after 100 hours of supervision and 1500 hours of clinical practice. ( rate $40.00 per hour) Read more


Melissa Busnot

4741 Atlantic Blvd Suite B-3

Jacksonville, Florida 32207

second floor (not handicap accessible)

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